Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I read the Webloog-ed blog by Will Richardson and commented on the article “Making Kids Googlable”

I think this is a big idea that needs to be addressed more in schools. Many people do not know how to make themselves “Googlable.” I would be one of those students. I have wondered many times of what employers or schools would think if they searched me. I do not always know if what I am posting is a good thing or not and how to change my online portfolio if I find bad things on it. I want to “Googlable”, so that I can not only have schools or employers search my name and find no bad items but to also search my name and find good items in the search. I think that there does need to be some education on how to become “Googlable.” I know to fallow the general rule that if you post something, make sure you are aware that anyone can access it. The only question is from there how do I improve my online portfolio? I do not only want to have a portfolio with no bad things on there but to also have things on my online portfolio that are good.

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