Monday, January 7, 2008

Second Semester Goals

My goals for the second semester include several things. My first goal is to get use to using a laptop everyday in English instead of using the old-fashioned hand. I want to get use to the new way of writing and organizing my thoughts. I figure this will not be as hard because a computer organizes your thoughts all in one place. I will not have to worry about losing anymore of my work.

My second task will be to keep an “A” grade throughout the semester. I have had this goal in all of my classes but I want to keep up what I started last semester. I plan to keep on top of things, become more computer savvy and improve my writing skills. I will accomplish this by becoming more organized.

I am sure that this semester of English 9 will be as great as the last semester. With my goals and ambission to reach these goals it will be a good semester.

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