Monday, March 3, 2008


I read the article The Ultimate Conference Attendee from the blog weblogg-ed written by Will Richardson. It talked about how that sometime in the future conferences between business will be held using all free Internet technology. The business call will no longer be in affect but what will be in affect are the things that we see in the movies where the companies have video conferences. The only thing is all of this technology is free. Anyone and any company could hold conferences this way. So why don't they? They do not hold conferences this way because the old ways seem to be easier. They work and the businessmen know how you use the old ways of the conference call so they continue that way. The future will probably be using these technologies. Another reason why these businesses do not use these sources is because they would seem too childish or they would say. Since there kids are using it, it probably is not suitable for the professional world. That is wrong. These sources are available and should be taken advantage of. If modern business used these easy to use and ready technologies the business world would be much more productive. Live video conferences would allow people to see reactions and expressions of all the people in the conference and they do not have to travel to a specific place. This would say businesses thousands of dollars. Without having to travel to meet for conferences this would save cost and would be convenient for all people involved. The only thing people would have to worry about would be at what time they would have to hold this conference. It would be great to have a business that utilized all of these free tools. Anyone could use these tools and improve their companies production and lower cost. All companies need conferences and being able to have them where ever and when ever they need one. It is like the conference only you could see everyones reaction and without the long distance phone bill. Bottom line is that these tools should be utilized by companies to cut costs and to increase productivity of the business.

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