Monday, May 19, 2008

PLN 20

I read the weblogg-ed blog and i commented on the article Blogging Legacy:

This thought of leaving a trail of information for others after you are gone is a  interesting concept. I also like the avatar concept. Ideas like these are great because they start out as good thoughts and then you can see them grow into reality. These ideas would be helpful to have in existence in the future. It would be nice to know more about people from the past using primary sources. Being able to track a persons thoughts and work on the internet would really help people understand our history better. I think that this is a lot like having an online diary. Except anyone can look at this diary and anyone can add feedback or input to this online diary. While reading this post this makes me want to continue blogging and contributing online so there is a trail of my works for others to see where I come from and what life was like. I hope in some way these ideas are fulfilled in the future. It would be nice for families to realize things about there relatives and to learn from others. 

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