Sunday, May 4, 2008


I posted a comment on the Weblogg-ed blog by Will Richardson entitled: "Clueless in America." Here is what I wrote:
It is a shame that a big portion of Americans are "clueless." I wonder myself many times of how people can be so "clueless." I also wonder what is going wrong with America's education system. I am in school now and seem to know the basics. I wonder how others around me do not know things that I would call basic. Education needs to be improved in America. I think a big issue in the American education system is that they allow kids to go too far along with out fully understanding the material. The fact of the matter is that American education needs to be a bigger issue then it is. Many things push its way to the front of political debates but education is not one of them. If we have poor education our future will not be bright, and if we want a government in the future that is strong and educated then education needs improvement.

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